If your property isn’t first on the list it’s most probably last!

Clean the place up

One of the simplest things you can do to make your property stand out from the crowd is to have it cleaned from top to bottom so that it sparkles like a gem! Particular attention should be paid to showers & bathtubs (especially soap scum) and kitchens as these are the areas that most prospective tenants look at first. Good enough just won't cut it, the place needs to be spotless. Skirting boards should be dusted, blinds cleaned and any mould from bathrooms removed. Ask yourself the question, would you live in the property in its current state? If the answer is no then you need to do something about it. Good tenants will immediately discard your property from their short list if they believe it to be of a sub standard level. Think of it this way, if the place is filthy and a prospective tenant is prepared to live in it, it probably says a lot about the type of tenant they are, quite possibly not the one that you would want! Having the place spotless sets the benchmark for how the tenant/s should maintain it throughout the tenancy thus minimising any potential problems.

“When we inspected the property we were impressed by how beautifully kept the gardens were and how clean the home had been kept, we instantly fell in love and submitted our application there and then!”


There is no doubt that a fresh coat of paint can make the place look and smell brand new, there really is no better way to attract the attention of a prospective tenant more so than to have the property freshly painted. Often the wood work like architraves and skirting boards do not need to be repainted and can just be given a good clean (most painters do these in enamel paint and it's very hard wearing). I find that in most cases if the walls are repainted this gives enough of an effect to give the property a facelift. Ceilings generally don't need painting either. Colours can have a dramatic effect as well, generally speaking, white and off white colours are best as they are neutral and tenants are able to match any of their furniture well to the property. The bottom line is that the more fresh and clean the property presents itself, the better the calibre of tenant you will get, remember to use the "would I live in the property" rule, it works every time.

Steam Clean the Carpets?

Notice that I used a question mark in the heading? I actually believe that Steam cleaning carpets are useless as it leaves a musty "old" smell throughout the property; I much prefer dry cleaning as it leaves the carpets smelling significantly fresher than the alternative. Here are some of the benefits of dry cleaning:

  • You can walk on your carpets straight after they are cleaned.

  • The dry cleaning process removes more stains than any other cleaning process.

  • Dry cleaning restores the original chemical balance of your carpet.

  • Carpets are guaranteed not to shrink or stretch.

  • Typical treatments remove germs, bacteria and fungi.

  • No wet carpet smell after cleaning, just a light fresh lemon fragrance.

In many cases, the costs are very similar to dry cleaning but the end result is far superior.

Max Pisano is the Principal of MP Estate Agents and the author of “The Ultimate Guide To Leasing Your Property Fast” get your free copy emailed to you by entering your details below.